Saturday, January 23, 2010

Previously in Relief Society . . . Jan. 17, 2010 Gospel Principles Lesson #2 by Laura Nielsen

Previously in Relief Society…..
On January 17, 2010, Laura Nielsen taught Chapter 2 “Our Heavenly Family” from the Gospel Principles manual. When Laura thinks of heavenly families, she thinks of her own family as she grew up and how loving our earthly families are. She knows Heavenly Father loves each one of us and that we are His children. So, what do the scriptures and prophets teach us about our relationship to God? We know that He is the Father of our spirits and the Father of the Savior. (See Moses 3:5-7.) Joseph F. Smith said that we are “born of heavenly parents and reared to maturity in the eternal mansions of the Father, prior to coming to earth” (Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith [1998], 335. Kathy Jones is intrigued with the concept that we are raised to spiritual maturity in heaven before we are born. She wants the opportunity to have a “spirit baby” when she is in heaven! Jennett Apgood shared that when she was pregnant with her first daughter she felt that their spirits were very familiar with one another. She has met others and feels that she has known them forever. Laura says that she thinks we get specks and memories of what our lives were like before this earth.
We developed personalities and talents in heaven and we have the potential to develop divine qualities like our Heavenly Father. Courtney Crofts shared how her knowledge of being a child of God influences her decisions. Her ideas can be daily reminders that we are daughters of God:
I show a sacred respect for myself AND others because I realize we are all children of the same father.
I realize that nothing I do or have done will reduce the love He has for me.
I desire to share the love He so abundantly gives me with others.
My strengths are magnified, my weaknesses are tempered, and my efforts combine with His to do so much more than I could alone.
I don’t have to compare myself to anyone else because the love of God provides all the confidence I need to be my best self.
I need not live in fear, because no amount of uncertainty or difficulty is too great for me to handle with Him by my side.
I am focused on the things of eternity, not the things of the world.
The real difference between knowledge and wisdom is the ability to put insight and knowledge into action.
Laura asked how others bless our lives through their talents. Amanda Yauney said that her own talents have come about because of the talents others have shared with her and their examples. Susan Smaellie says that she models her own behavior after the examples she sees. Nicole Fisher shared a story of a friend who helped her with childcare when Nicole ‘s family was living in Michigan. It made such a difference to Nicole and it helped her look for ways to help others around her. Lee Beckstead is grateful for the love and talents of the Sperry family.

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