Thursday, January 14, 2010

Previously in Relief Society . . . Jan. 10, 2010 Gospel Principles Lesson #1 by Maureen Egan

Previously in Relief Society…

Sister Maureen Egan gave the first lesson in the new Gospel Principles study manual. The topic of this first lesson is Our Heavenly Father. Most everyone saw the humor when Sister Egan pointed out that although the topic is so vast, so encompassing, her material to teach from was only one page of summary and one page of scripture references.

She also remarked at how much she missed the words of the Prophet Joseph Smith, after presenting lessons on his teachings for the past 2 years. So, she was happy to include a very appropriate quote on our topic from him. “The things of God are of deep import and time and experience and careful and ponderous and solemn thoughts can only find them out. Thy mind O man if thou wilt lead a soul into salvation must search into and contemplate the darkest abyss and the broad expanse of eternity, thou must commune with God.” (Joseph Smith, History of the Church, vol. 3, p. 295.)

Sister Egan shared, “This is not a church of ‘do what I say’ but a church of learn for yourself. In group scripture study this past week, someone remarked that the great advantages and blessings of studying the scriptures cannot be done in a group. Why? Because the Lord teaches and inspires us individually. He teaches to the one, as we learned with Shelley Turner’s lesson just last week.

Is there a God? Alma says this is the greatest question – in other words, Is there a Christ and can he save us? When questions like this come to us, especially from our children, we must welcome them because it indicates that they are thinking about all that this question and its answer means.”

Neal A. Maxwell said, ‘In our day many are not even asking the question anymore, preoccupied they regard Christianity not as untrue or even unthinkable….but simply irrelevant.’

Alma teaches us to experiment upon the word. These three words seem to be key: Enlarge, Expand and Enlighten. What are some of the things that testify there is a God?
Janice Sansom: “ A baby!”
Susan Smaellie: “When looking back at history and all things over periods of hundreds of years, coordinate to a perfect end or timing…I heard a quote on the radio that said, ‘Every fixture of history is covered with the fingerprints of God.’
Amanda Klaparek “Some people think that science puts you in conflict with God, but I love physics and think there is nothing more inspiring or spiritual as science.”
Barbara Geertson, “We have mentioned birth, but having lost both my parents this past year, I see God in death and my knowledge that He is there was like a great security blanket around me in my sorrow.”

“If you truly believe there is a God, it changes you and the way you live. You can’t compartmentalize that knowledge and then live and act another way.” Sister Egan’s daughter, Madelyn, shared that she and her husband were inspired by a conference talk a few years ago by Henry B. Eyring. He spoke about keeping a daily journal of ways we see God’s hand in our life. It seemed, at first, that their lists were similar day after day but about two months into it, they realized that instead of looking back through the day, they were recognizing more and more moments throughout the day, as they were happening, not just in retrospect. They began seeing the Lord’s hand more often and in more varied ways.

“We are so blessed to identify with a Heavenly Father in an intimate, loving, personal way. This is what Joseph Smith is talking about…we have to ponder these things to commune with God. When you start seeing the patterns, the fingerprints of God in our world and in our life, it is like an explosion – you cannot help but see them everywhere and in every moment.”

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