At our house, we are in the midst of a major remodel. I’m sure if you’ve driven up our lane, you haven’t missed seeing the story high pile of dirt, chunks of cement and stacks of plywood littering our front lawn. Thankfully, we’ve moved beyond what we have jokingly referred to as “The Death Drop,” (for several weeks, opening the front door could result in a 12 ft. plummet to certain injury and possible death). Needless to say, I was concerned for the safety of my children and that of the neighborhood children. Several neighbors kindly asked how I was handling all of this chaos. I realized that I was actually enjoying the process because despite the dangers lurking in my front yard, I knew the long-term plan. Besides, we still had a safe, comfortable environment inside our home and had taken precautions to warn our neighbors of any possible dangers.
We live in very difficult, often dangerous, times. Unlike my house that was only unsafe for a short while, we are constantly bombarded with problems in our everyday life. In this past General Conference, President Monson said in his closing address “ . . . Today, as we look at the world around us, we are faced with problems which are serious and of great concern to us. The world seems to have slipped from the moorings of safety and drifted from the harbor of peace . . . My counsel for all of us is to look to the lighthouse of the Lord. There is no fog so dense, no night so dark, no gale so strong, no mariner so lost but what its beacon light can rescue. It beckons through the storms of life. The lighthouse of the Lord sends forth signals readily recognized and never failing.” I love the image of the gospel of Jesus Christ as a safe harbor, where peace and love comfort and protect us from the storms of the world.
I feel blessed to have the gospel in my life. Just like blueprints and caution tape in my remodel, the gospel gives me guidance, direction, safety and teaches me of the eternal plan of our Father in Heaven. Chaos may rein today, but I take comfort in the knowledge of a loving Savior who lights the path to happiness.
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